
Let me introduce myself. I am Balázs Roland Ferencz, reptile breeder and zoo keeper. I specialize in breeding snakes of the genus Morelia and other rare boids. The articles and pictures published on this site are always about the actually breeding boas and pythons, so major updates are to be expected mostly in the spring and the summer.
If you would like to be notified about these updates and the minor changes, please sign up to receive our newsletter. I will gladly answer all possible questions about my snakes and their pricing and availability. Please, write in English!
Thank you for visiting my site!
Balázs Roland Ferencz
In the 2013 breeding season I had the following clutches: Morelia bredli, Lichanura trivirgata saslowi, Epicrates cenchria maura
Oct 26 2009 I have created a facebook account to share informations with reptile keepers, so if You are interested in my latest news then
tag me as Balázs Roland Ferencz!